My practice
About me, André van Vliet
Born in the summer of 1971 in Rotterdam-Blijdorp. Had a great childhood and grew up in a family full of sensitive persons. Unfortunately, not always openly sensitive. Because of this I think I started young with picking up certain vibes and having to find my own path on my own and yeah, being stubborn as well. I'm extremely curious, call it hungry for knowledge, wanting to understand, looking forward to gaining experiences and having real conversations. Turning heavy situations into lighter ones with humor and not afraid to share my own findings and insights with you, because after all we learn from each other.
In the year 2000 I slowly started setting up my practice at home. Since then, so much has changed on all fronts. And I am still honoured about the amount of mails and bookings in my schedule. I couldn't wish for anything more beautiful than being able to turn my passion into my work. Gratitude at its best.
In addition to being able to empathize with someone else, I also like to challenge you (with humor). I want to mirror you, give you insights, because hey, you also come here to get rid of something or to grow, don't you? I also like that about the term bodyworker. I listen to what your body has to say and stand up for what your body is telling me. I mention this specific, because what your body says does not always have to be the same with your thoughts. Sometimes thinking and feeling is not aligned at all. Therefore it is wonderful to work towards a more pure you.
A person or body remains something fascinating to me. We all need peace, knowledge, support or healing from time to time. The same applies to the build, shape or color of your body. I work with you as a unique person, I don't have a practice for just fashion models. In short, everyone is welcome.
Finally of course my profession also includes professional discretion. Always good to know.
For those interested, here is my educational background:
Reiki I, II, III and Mastership
Cerridwen Celtic Healing I
Quantum Touch 12 hours workshop
Working with guides and energies such as Maria, Pleiadiers, Brahma, Lilith, Arcturians and Jozef
EE - Emotioneel Evenwicht
Quantum Touch Reset method
Soul Body Fusion
Rebalancing education
Relaxation massage
Swedish massage
Shantala massage, the adult / mentally handicapped variant
Chair massage with pressurepoints technique
Träger massage
Hotstone massage
Javanese foot/lower leg massage
Foot massage
Hamam massage
Singing bowl massage
Tantric massages
Other courses followed
Energetic Bliss Mastery
Body de-armoring two weeks inhouse and other variants of de-armouring
Emotional bodywork
The Stargate open to channel workshop
Reading toes
Extended own experience in HSP and Twin Soul knowledge
Kundalini Bodywork
Shibari, several variants