Awakening sessions

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    Healing sessions after breast cancer

    Quite a lot has happened to you and your body. All kinds of procedures in the medical world of just participating and undergoing your treatment.
    Your body can be filled with tension/anxiety/anger in your body. Moments of just moving on, holding on, staying strong, etc. But after that... after that comes the time of leaving that period behind you and building your new foundation of the new 'you'.

    I have devoted this separate page because in my practice the question often arises of what can be done in terms of bodywork to recover and get back in touch with your body. A lot, it turns out every time. Soothing, recovery and lots of extra learning about your body. Often even growth compared to the old you before these procedures.
    With massage, energy transfer and sometimes just simple bodywork you can be invited to sink back into your body, into your energy. And yes, sometimes quite intense how much waste / emotions can come up.
    Each session can be very different, because you too feel different every day.

    Just like every massage, everything can now be adjusted to your wishes. If you have not been able to lie on your stomach for a long time, we will turn over earlier or shorten the sessions. Or maybe the lateral position is the best at that moment.

    Just like all sessions in terms of bodywork / massages, it is very important that you feel comfortable. Feel free to call in advance to see if there is a click, or feel free to bring someone with you if you prefer.

    Some examples of complaints that I often hear in my practice and where we can achieve good results:

    • > the body still hurts very much
    • > I feel a lot of anger in my body
    • > at the time I surrendered my body to regular medicine and now I would like to get back in touch with my own body
    • > a severely disrupted body due to hormone therapy, for example: where do I fit in at the moment? Where is my feminine part in me?
    • > a lot of tension and pain in my lower back and around the kidney area
    • > painful scars or very tight skin
    • > I would like to reconnect with my femininity
    • > sore breasts and/or embarrassment

    This session is given by André.


    € 70,00 for 1 hour
    € 105,00 for 1,5 hours
    € 140,00 for 2 hours